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屁屁的家 @ 台南市樹林國小
Home of the Buttock



Similar to the previous chair design workshop, we simplified the process this time, but expanded the scope of creative expression. We led students from the point of view of users to explore new possibilities for innovation. Regardless if it is humor, sci-fi or practical, there is no boundary for empathy to be applied.

造飛機 @ 台北實際大學教育推廣部 & 台南市佳興國小
Let's Build a Plane!


Hao Chuang developed a brand new program this summer, taking students on an adventure of fluid dynamics. The dilemma of building a plane is, if you don't throw it, it will never fly better. We hope, through this program, that student will receive internalized knowledge, better understanding of themselves, and motivation to pursue further knowledge. At the end of the event, we asked them if they feel bad about throwing the air planes that they've put sweat and tears into. They said,"Not really, we can just fix it if it breaks!"

設計的旅程 - 三慈國小公共休閒椅設計+自制過程
Designer's Journey - Design + Making of School Public Benches



Design thinking, critical thinking, empathy - These are fundamental attributes that a designer should possess. San Cih elementary school requested for public benches for general public to enjoy the school compound, therefore we organized this course that took students through the entire design process, from understanding basic design theory, understand what a chair is, design ideation, model and testing, to final execution of the actual furniture. We used recycled lumber and steel to create furniture that not only satisfy our own preference, but to meet the general need of public users.

傳承自己來 - 三慈國小蚵架教具自制過程
Self-Help Learning - Oyster Rack Teaching Equipment Making



Learning scenarios should an extension of the students natural surrounding. Hao Chuang organized a program that takes students of San Cih Elementary School through a process of conceptualization and testing through experimentations, to create an Oyster Rack teaching equipment. The process of this creation puts students in challenges including Mathematics, material science, art, strategic and tactical planning. Through design of experiments to prove their own ideas, students learn to find their own answers.

2020 TTMaker臺東暑期新創種子營

2020 TTMaker Taitung Summer Innovation Seed Camp



Innovation or Entrepreneurship, most ideas need to be tested rigorously in order to be transformed from a dream into a reality, and testing is the core of R&D process. This workshop is designed for middle school students, turning blue sky concepts into meaningful actions through structured and logical methods. They also learn to communicate with visual aids and test concepts through simulations, while establishing value for themselves by becoming the solution provider of the future.


Design Thinking Workshop



Seeing the world through a designer's eyes, this workshop collaborated with local businesses to create an opportunity for high school students to understand Design Thinking by walking through a simplified process of Design Research, from background research, survey design, ethnographic interviews to finding opportunities. Students understand how to accumulate knowledge from various approaches to understand a subject, develop critical thinking skills and create proposals of innovative opportunities to the business owners.

如果我是一隻螞蟻 - 三慈國小

If I am an Ant - San-Cih Elementary School



"If I am an Ant" is a workshop that focuses on the theme of macro view of the world. Students experience both macro and micro photography with the goal of creating their own macro adventure story. We hope to stimulate students to proactively pay attention to details in their own surroundings and create their own aspirations.

玩具日 - 大樹國小

Toy Day - Ta-Shu Elementary School

由於疫情的關係,今年許多跟畢業相關的活動都被取消。高雄大樹國小資源班的老師們還是希望能夠為學生留下國小生涯不一樣的回憶,送給畢業班的禮物。豪創非常榮幸接受邀請,為這班非常棒的學生們安排一場難忘的體驗。這次活動的時間非常短,在於老師們討論後決定以『玩具日』活動為基礎,並做修改讓學生能夠在活動時間內得到完整的體驗,而活動還是保留了核心過程 - 體驗、理解及創作。




Due to the pandemic, many graduation related events have been cancelled this year. Nevertheless, Da-Shu Elementary School special education teachers still wish to give their graduating class something special to remember, a graduation gift. Hao Chuang was very honored to be invited to tackle this task. Due to the short time constrain, the teachers and the team decided to base the workshop on "Toy Day" with a condensed program.

To ease the stress on time constrain, the teachers recommended to run part of the program ahead of the main event, and Hao Chuang team was very excited to provide coaching and share our experience and methods.

During the main event, the students were in working mode quickly and each group developed their own team structures. The students were also very willing to accept new challenges and try new designs, but the lack of time meant one of the teams could not finish their work in time. However, most importantly, we hope that they have discovered for themselves a different experience of learning as well as talents that they may not have realized before.

自造遊戲PK大賽 - 三慈國小

Little Game Makers Super Battle - San-Cih Elementary School





1. 同理心 - 為別人創造好玩的體驗


2. 互動設計 - 如何實現這個體驗


3. 系統思維 - 遊戲的規範及互動策略



"Little Game Makers Super Battle" is a workshop that extends from the previous "Toy Day" theme. A DIY toy involves the maker to consider what is fun for him or herself. However, a game design requires the maker what is fun for other people. Therefore the abilities involved in creating an interactive game is wider and more complex.


Students will experience the following three core abilities during this workshop:


1. Empathy - Ability to create a fun experience for others


2. Interaction Design - How to realize this experience


3. Systematic Thinking - Game design strategy and rules

The theme and type of games are entirely decided by the students and we only play the role of assistance, encouragement and technical consulting. We hope that students can think beyond themselves and turn their own hard work into an enjoyment for everyone else.


玩具日 - 瑞峰國小

Toy Day - Ruei-Fong Elementary School


Hao Chuang Enterprise Co. team brought the theme of Toy Day to Ruei-Fong Elementary School. Although this is the second time that we have held a workshop of the same theme, the students' creativity has displayed an unique ability, which is also a precious learning opportunity for the team. The process of the workshop remained the same, from Experience, Understand to Create. However differ from the previous workshop, our participants this time are the entire student body or nine students of Ruei-Fong Elementary School. The wide range of age group did not pose as a challenge as the students are more like a big family, who worked and communicated harmoniously with each other. We hope to bring rich contents to them and from the process, learn from set backs, which is the most meaningful form of learning.

玩具日 - 三慈國小

Toy Day - San-Cih Elementary School

豪創企業有限公司與三慈國小合作,以玩具為主題,讓學生認識機械結構。過程從體驗、理解到創作,學生從挫折中找到樂趣,轉化為有意義的學習。活動過程分為三個階段 - 體驗、理解、創作。

體驗 - 我們準備了自行組裝式機械恐龍玩具讓學生們玩樂,從過程中體驗機械結構的運作方式,以及零件組裝過程。

理解 - 在學生們充分的體驗玩具後,我們將機械設計的解說以遊戲的方式進行以強化學生們對於機械設計的認知。同時,我們也透過日常生活中例子與所學的做連結,並以高科技登山車為實際例子解說簡單的原理如何解決複雜的問題。

創作 - 我們引導學生們利用他們熟悉、容易取得的材料、工具及方法製作自己的機械玩具。在過程中,我們引導學生利用有組織性的腦力激盪,利用團體的力量為個人的創作累積選項以協助學生們形成設計概念。我們也帶著學生們將抽象的概念轉化為可執行的設計,並透過團隊合作完成作品。


Hao Chuang Enterprise Co. in collaboration with San-Cih Elementary School hosted a series of workshops with students to introduce the idea of mechanical designs. Students found joy within set backs, transforming the experience into meaningful learning. The process included three phases - Experience, Understand and Create.

Experience - The team prepared a series of self-assembled mechanical dinosaur toys for the students to experience. Through the assembling process, the students gained exposure to mechanical designs and how parts are put together.

Understand - After much fun time with the dinosaurs, we introduced various common mechanical design principles in the form of games to tie knowledge with their own experiences. We also used daily examples to link theory with their practical world, as well as show case how simple mechanical designs are applied in high-tech mountain bike designs to solve complex problems.

Create - Using materials, tools and methods that are easily available to these students, we guided them to create their own mechanical toys. First we led students through structured brainstorm session to help them accumulate ideas. Through this exercise, students understand how the collective contribution of a team can benefit individual's success. We also helped students with transforming vague ideas into actionable designs, which were then accomplished through team work.


Little Paratroopers Innovation Camp




Hao Chuang Enterprise Co. established collaboration with San-Ci Elementary School in May 2019 and with the support of Principal Huang, Manager Jiang as well as San-Ci’s teachers, we created a five half-day workshop to be held on the first week July, also the beginning of summer vacation. Led by Ying-Hao Juan, the program focuses on the process of design, from Self-Learning (Research), Rapid Ideation (Design), Experimentation (Idea Testing) and Presentation of Result (Aesthetics). We hope that students can experience, understand and explore the unknown with logic, and understand Science through hands-on experimentation while utilizing household common materials.


The program aims cultivate self-learning behavior under limited resource and constrains to maximize students’ potentials.

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