Motorola APX 2000
摩托羅拉 APX 2000 手持無線電對講機是APX系列裡最輕巧的機種,使用對象族群廣泛,從公共安全到重工業人員。如同APX系列其他主要產品,APX 2000 的人因工學設計是以最高階要求而考量,能夠在最惡劣的使用環境下穩定的發揮關鍵作用。APX 2000 目前為中華民國海巡署官兵配置裝備。
Motorola APX 2000 portable radio is the most compact and lightest variant of the APX family, designed for a wide variety of users from public safety to heavy industries personnel. Just like the rest of the APX series, the APX 2000 is designed with mission critical user-scenarios in mind for the toughest conditions. The APX 2000 is currently deployed by the Republic of China Coast Guard.
Motorola MVX 1000
摩托羅拉 MVX 1000 為警用車載DVR記錄器,將警員執勤過程完整、安全的記錄保管。MVX 1000 的人機介面以最簡潔、直接的方 式讓技術人員能夠快速截取內部硬碟,加鎖設計確保證據完好無虞。
Motorola MVX 1000 is an in-car DVR recorder for the police patrol scenario. It records and secures patrol patrol footage in SSD, which can be easily accessed when needed, yet secured by locking mechanism to ensure the integrity of evidence.
HIWIN Robotic Arm Mascot
HIWIN robotic arm mascot represents the company's vision of a automated future where technology plays the role of partner to people in daily lives. The mascot design aims to present genuine and honesty, while being approachable with its adorable proportions and gestures. The physical model is integrated with HIWIN's five-axis robotic arm, which can fully articulate in the widest range of motions.
DLO軟硬iPhone 3Gs保護殼
DLO Hybrid Case for iPhone 3Gs
DLO 軟+硬殼iPhone保護殼,提供確實的耐震效果,同時可輕易取出。
DLO hybrid case, a mixture of hard poly carbonate shell with soft silicone lining, provides both solid protection yet the flexibility to be removed easily.
DLO Armband for Apple mobile devices
Designed for athletic users, provides multiple areas for storage and protection for its content.
Garmin 導航裝置繫帶型硬殼保護盒
Portable Hard Case for Garmin GPS Devices
Soft front cover for shock absorbing and clear PC rear shell for firm protection. The rear is also lined with rubber graphic patterns for better grip for portable needs.
Radio and Charger for In-Car Use
In-car radio and charger with cable management integrated.
Power Extension and Lamp for Desktop
Using plant life as semantics, the power extension attaches to the desk for space efficiency and practicality, also provides illumination with LED lamp.
Bed Side Lamp Power Extension
The chaos of cable can be hidden behind the lamp shade.
Wall Mounted Power Socket Expansion
Practical design that is designed to be ergonomic and includes a simple solution for cable management.
Single-Sitter Work Truck for Farm Use
Concept work truck for single driver runs on in-wheel electric motors for short range and high flexibility purpose.
Taiwan Power Company Circular Design Project
Taiwan Power Company (TPC) collaborated with Hao Chuang to develop new possibilities utilizing their massive inventory of retired materials and components. As it is extremely costly and wasteful to dispose of these materials, we want to transform the value these precious resources. Hao Chuang therefore developed three concepts.
Taiwan Power Company (TPC) collaborated with Hao Chuang to develop new possibilities utilizing their massive inventory of retired materials and components. As it is extremely costly and wasteful to dispose of these materials, we want to transform the value these precious resources. Hao Chuang therefore developed three concepts.
”Electric Meter Revival” transforms obsolete mechanical electric meters into desk lamp, combining with electric insulator’s product semantics to include a bluetooth music player, transforming it from a background object into a conversation piece.
”Lifestyle Insulator” is a series of designs for two different scenarios. First scenario is for the home office, using rubber insulators to fixate clothing, combined with stainless tubes to form a standing coat hanger. The second scenario is for the workshop, using wood beams from power poles as the main structure and rubber as accessories fixtures, this is a personal accessory placement station for the rugged professionals.